Respect at work

Our comprehensive solutions to address bullying, harassment and discrimination, now fully updated for Respect@Work amendments, positive duty and psychosocial hazards. Ensure your workplace upholds the highest standards of psychological safety and respect.

Find out more about our approach

Respect is the foundation of a healthy and psychologically safe workplace.

Key objectives and learning outcomes

  • identify and address disrespectful behaviours: spotting the signs of disrespect, from non-inclusive behaviours and microaggressions through to unlawful behaviours
  • respond appropriately to disrespectful behaviours: identifying clear pathways to resolve issues in the context of your policies and procedures
  • provide support to those impacted by behaviours: taking a trauma-informed approach to having a supportive conversation, as a leader or contributor, to ensure a colleague’s safety and wellbeing
  • access support options: both within your organisation and externally
  • contribute to a bystander-led culture of safety and respect: develop the skills to intervene as active bystanders in relation to behaviour risks and their impacts on others
  • contribute to a culture of inclusion and belonging: adopting best-practice techniques that respect and celebrate individual differences, preventing behaviour risks and contributing to overall employee wellbeing and productivity

Benefits of Respect at Work

Create a workplace where respect and integrity are at the foundation of your culture. Our comprehensive Respect at Work solutions provide your organisation with the tools, knowledge and support needed to foster a positive, respectful and thriving work environment.

Improved culture and engagement
  • A respectful workplace leads to higher morale, increased job satisfaction and better overall employee engagement.
Enhanced productivity
  • Respectful interactions reduce conflict, stress and downtime, allowing employees to focus on their tasks and perform at their best.
Positive reputation
  • Organisations that adopt a best-practice approach to respect are known to attract top talent and maintain a positive reputation, both internally and externally.
Legal compliance
  • Using our programs to embed respect in your workplace helps fulfil and comply with your business obligations, while reducing the risk of costly work claims and disputes.

Ready to cultivate respect in your workplace?

Contact us today to learn more about our Respect at work solution and how we can tailor our services to meet your organisation's unique needs.

Let’s talk