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Enmasse is a leading provider of workplace training in the prevention of gendered and family violence. We deliver programs targeted at people leaders and employees, and customised to suit your policies, wellbeing personnel, support options and White Ribbon accreditation status.

Enmasse is a White Ribbon Approved Training Partner

We provide strategic and policy advice as well as training for leaders and contributors towards helping to:

  • implement appropriate support and leave policies
  • identify risk factors for domestic and family violence
  • spot the warning signs that someone may be at risk
  • engage in supportive conversations with team members who are experiencing violence
  • develop an individual safety plan
  • address the gendered drivers, specifically attitudes towards women (including everyday sexism), and gender inequality that underpin societal risk factors for violence against women

Empower your team to help end violence

Connect with us to help promote gender equity in your workplace and to cultivate a culture of safety and respect.

Let’s talk