
The Role of Influence in Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace 

In an era where the workplace landscape is constantly evolving, the emphasis on psychological safety has taken centre stage. Beyond the tangible infrastructure and policies, it's the influence that individuals wield which becomes the catalyst for an environment where employees feel secure to voice their opinions, learn from their mistakes, and collaborate effectively. Given the rise of work performance anxiety as mentioned by HR News, fostering a sense of psychological safety is more critical than ever and worth exploring further: 

Your Presence as a Barometer 

The moment you step into a room, your presence sends signals, subtle and overt. For those around you, it's a question of whether your presence warms or chills the atmosphere. Leadership that values human connection fosters a sense of comfort and camaraderie. 

Feedback as a Bridge 

Feedback is the lifeline of improvement. The way you handle feedback can either open channels of communication or erect barriers. Encourage a culture where feedback is seen as a tool for growth, not as criticism. This influence, when rightly applied, can boost morale and lead to a more dynamic, responsive workforce. 

Dissent as an Asset 

A difference in opinion can be the birthplace of innovation. Encouraging and rewarding dissent can lead to breakthroughs. But it's essential to ensure that the environment doesn't become hostile. Harnessing dissent and ensuring it’s constructive is the key to turning potential conflicts into collaborative solutions. 

 Psychological safety directly impacts the way employees feel about their work and their overall satisfaction: Employees who feel psychologically safe report 76% more engagement, 50% more productivity, 75% less stress, and 30% more life satisfaction.

The Art of Inquiry 

The questions you pose and the way you do it can either draw people out or shut them down. Active listening plays a pivotal role in ensuring that employees feel valued and understood, allowing for an open exchange of ideas and perspectives. 

Collaboration and Innovation 

Your influence can be the catalyst for innovation. The way you handle collaborations, the teams you build, and the encouragement you offer can either speed up or slow down the pace of progress. A psychologically safe environment allows for a diversity of thoughts, accelerating innovation. 

Handling Mistakes 

Mistakes are an integral part of the growth process. The emphasis should be on the lessons learned rather than the errors made. Marginalising those who have made a mistake can lead to a culture of fear, where employees are more focused on avoiding blame than on true innovation and progress. 

Facing the Unpleasant Truths 

One of the hallmarks of a psychologically safe environment is the ability of the team to communicate truths, even if they are hard to hear, by harnessing intentional bravery. The way you handle such truths, as explored by Forbes, and the respect you show when faced with criticism, along with the changes you're willing to make can have a significant impact on the overall health and morale of the team. 


Every interaction, every feedback session, and every collaboration opportunity is a chance to foster psychological safety. In today's competitive work environment, the companies that prioritise psychological safety are the ones that will not only attract top talent but will also be better equipped to face challenges, innovate, and grow. 

It's time to reflect on the kind of influence you have and the kind of environment you're fostering. In the quest for a psychologically safe workplace, your influence is not just a contributing factor; it’s a driving force. 

If you would like to learn more about psychological safety and how Enmasse can support you or your organisation please email us at 


Work Performance Anxiety: Team building & psychological safety - HR News 
Human-Forward Leadership: How To Create A Culture Of Psychological Safety ( 
25+ Psychological Safety at Work Stats (2023) (

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