
Is traditional training failing?

With a projected 75% of the workforce set to be made up of younger generations by 2030, traditional training methods no longer cut it. Offering employees a flat, uninspiring learning experience will not only fail to engage them but also result in low retention and diminished productivity.

The learning preferences of younger generations
Younger generations have grown up in a world filled with smartphones, social media, and instant access to information. This shift has dramatically altered the way they process and engage with learning content. Unlike previous generations, they aren’t satisfied with long, monotonous training modules. They crave interactive, multimedia content that appeals to their senses and immerses them in the learning experience, with elements like:

  • Rich, visual content: Younger learners are drawn to video content that’s visually engaging and quick to digest. Just like the short, snappy videos they’re used to on platforms like TikTok, learning materials need to be dynamic, visually rich, and presented in bite-sized portions.

  • Interactive and immersive experiences: These generations also want control over their learning journey. They are accustomed to playing games that offer them heightened interactivity and control over their decisions, making gamified learning experiences more compelling. They expect learning to be immersive and challenging, not just a series of slides with quizzes tacked on.

  • Engaging storytelling: Modern e-learning needs to offer more than just facts and figures. It should tell meaningful stories that connect with learners on a personal level. Younger generations are not just learning to tick boxes - they want to engage with content that feels relevant, authentic, and motivational.

Why traditional e-Learning isn’t cutting it
The way we learn has changed dramatically over the years, yet many organisations are still stuck in the past, relying on outdated training methods that simply don’t resonate with today’s workforce. Traditional e-learning, with its clunky designs and uninspiring multiple-choice quizzes, is quickly losing relevance in a world where younger generations are now a significant part of the workforce. Many outdated training methods are failing because they:

  • Lack interactivity: Static content with no engagement factor feels more like a chore than an opportunity to grow.
  • Are too long-winded: Lengthy modules that don’t respect the short attention spans of today’s learners are more likely to be skipped than absorbed.
  • Miss the mark on relevance: Learning material that doesn’t feel personal or meaningful simply won’t stick.

Transforming training for all generations
While younger generations are leading the demand for more dynamic and interactive learning methods, it's important to recognise that modern training techniques also offer significant benefits for employees of all ages. New approaches, such as those offered by platforms like the Behaviour Change Hub, don't just cater to younger workers but can also enhance the learning experience for older generations in the workforce.
By embracing modern learning techniques, organisations can ensure their training programs resonate across all age groups, catering to the diverse needs of a multi-generational workforce:

  • Flexibility for busy schedules: Many older employees juggle packed schedules, often balancing work with family responsibilities. Bite-sized, on-demand learning modules allow them to fit training into their day without the pressure of lengthy sessions.
  • Self-paced learning: The ability to learn at their own pace appeals to older generations who may prefer to revisit content, giving them time to understand new concepts without feeling rushed.
  • Practical, real-world scenarios: With years of professional experience, older workers appreciate training that directly ties into their roles. Learning based on real-world scenarios resonates with their need for practical, applicable knowledge.
  • Respect for experience: Older employees engage more with learning that acknowledges their expertise. The inclusion of expert-led content and interactive formats enhances their skillset without being condescending, valuing the experience they bring to the table.
  • Easier adaptation to digital tools: While digital tools may seem more associated with younger generations, many older employees are increasingly tech-savvy. Platforms like the Behaviour Change Hub, with intuitive designs, make it easy for them to engage without the frustrations of older, clunky systems.

Transforming learning for the modern workforce
At Enmasse, we understand the evolving needs of today’s workforce, which is why we developed the Behaviour Change Hub. Designed to cater to the learning preferences of all generations, this platform offers an innovative and engaging way to foster meaningful behavioural change within your organisation.

What makes the Behaviour Change Hub unique?

  • Dynamic, multimedia content: Our platform is packed with engaging video content, interactive quizzes, and real-world scenarios designed to captivate learners and provide practical knowledge they can immediately apply.
  • Mobile-first design: The Hub is available both on desktop and mobile, allowing users to learn at their own pace, wherever and whenever they want. This flexibility ensures that training seamlessly integrates into their lifestyle.
  • Bite-sized, impactful learning: We understand the importance of brevity in today’s fast-paced world. Our learning modules are delivered in manageable, bite-sized chunks that fit into the flow of work, allowing learners to absorb and apply knowledge without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Expert-led content: All our courses are designed and presented by industry experts in law, human behaviour, and neuroscience, ensuring that the learning material is both informative and grounded in the latest research.
  • Tailored insights and reporting: Our platform offers businesses deep insights into learner engagement and progress. With customisable reporting features, organisations can track the effectiveness of their training and make data-driven decisions to continuously improve outcomes.

The impact on your business
By adopting the Behaviour Change Hub, businesses can significantly improve employee engagement, motivation, and retention. Training that resonates with all generations can enhance productivity, build a culture of continuous learning, and drive long-term behaviour change. The result? A workforce that’s not only skilled but also more connected and aligned with your organisation’s values.

Incorporating a modern approach to learning through the Behaviour Change Hub can:

  • Reduce turnover rates: Engaging training fosters loyalty and a sense of belonging.
  • Boost productivity: Well-trained, motivated employees work more efficiently and are better equipped to handle challenges.
  • Improve workplace culture: Training that promotes inclusivity, respect, and collaboration helps build a positive, forward-thinking culture.
  • Drive long-term change: Our evidence-based training goes beyond compliance, ensuring real behavioural change that benefits both the individual and the organisation.

The future of learning is here. Equip your workforce with the skills they need in a way that engages, motivates, and inspires them. To find out more about how the Behaviour Change Hub can revolutionise learning in your organisation, contact us to arrange your free trial, or visit to find out more.

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